I am...

a Christian

Christianity is not a “religion”, it is the response of the world to the visible expression of the inward grace we have received. I believe, the first work of God in the human heart is a change that is both effective and visible…

The Christian life is not a “solemn”, “quiet” life of depravity, but the showcasing of the life of God at work in the lives of those who have chosen to put their lives in His charge…

a creative

Creativity is the expression of the human spirit in response to the issues, challenges and problems it faces. I believe every human has a deposit of creativity, that if channeled properly, leads to blessing and profit.

Graphic Designer, Photographer, Videographer, UI/UX Designer, Songwriter, Artiste, Geotechnical Engineer, Business Consultant, Idea Accelerator…

an academic

Academics is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire…

I have been taught, I teach and am always learning while passing critical information across as creatively as possible. I strongly believe in formal education as a way to develop core critical thinking competencies needed to proffer solutions to modern-day global challenges.

lover of aan

A man in his lifetime finds a place, one of peace and tranquility, where he can lay down and rest…

God still leads men today and His wisdom regarding marriage and relationships still hold true. To build a lasting structure, one must first of all count the cost.

Aan & I have a lot of experiences and love stories to share