I have spent the last week taking care of a loved one who was challenged in her health. For someone who loves activity and always ends up sleeping off while watching TV or doing some work, taking time off to do nothing but watch over and care for someone else is a career switch I seriously did not enjoy.

I must confess at this point that I am usually under the weather sometimes too. I subscribe heavily to faith healing, so most times, I take my time to be alone to focus on Jesus. So far, it works every time. I usually always try not to bother anyone even in my sick state. I literarily plan the day, ask for the needed things and then let the person go have a nice day while I manage myself through it.

Being here at the clinic, waiting on the patient, I could see the effects that ill health has on everyone. I noticed, there were people making out time to come to visit, others, more involving, ran errands to get food, drugs and the likes, while very close friends and family slept over the night to care and make themselves available in the event of an emergency. I had to sleep over seating on a plastic chair all night till morning – I woke up a Tiger!

I realised, health is a communal thing, it belongs to the group as much as it belongs to you. At least three people are affected when you are not well. When you are a provider with people dependent on you, that number increases. I funnily noticed some of the winners in the situation are communication companies who log countless hours from worried people calling in to check up due to distance and other constraints, food and drink sellers. Monies, not budgeted for and those stored in hidden places suddenly find their way into the light to solve pressing needs. The big win and the focus for all is that you get better.

Nobody prays to be sick, and only a psycho will intentional make themselves sick. I’m not saying it’s all your fault, but you can take the needed steps to avoid getting sick – wash your hands, use a net, drink good water, eat well, don’t expose yourself unnecessarily to the weather etc. Whatever you can do to keep things normal will be a plus to the communal account.

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