Dear Kira – Keep Majors Major!

In the journey of life, it’s imperative to focus on what’s truly important – faith, family, education, and love. Distinguishing between the essential and the trivial is crucial. Consider how, in academics, there’s a major and a minor; it’s misguided to excel in your minor at the detriment of your major field of study.

Prioritize What Truly Matters

As a student, recognize that academics are your priority. It’s the primary metric for evaluation at the end of your campus journey. While social engagements, sports, leadership roles, and activism have their place, they should not overshadow your academic responsibilities. Excellence in these areas only complements your academic achievements.

Balance is about knowing where to invest more effort. Missing out on a music team rehearsal or a gym class is manageable, but academic failures leave a lasting mark that can hinder your overall performance.

Maintain Focus on Your Core Goals

The children of Issachar are a prime example of understanding priorities; they knew what was required of them and led their people effectively. Similarly, you should discern what’s most valuable in the long run.

“From the family of Issachar there were 200 wise leaders. These men understood the right thing for Israel to do at the right time. Their relatives were with them and under their command.” 
1 Chronicles 12:32, ERV

Identify the traits and skills that have led others to success in your field and strive to develop those same competencies.Remember, these years are an investment in your future.

Your parents, family, and friends anticipate seeing the fruits of this investment. They expect to see a professional thriving in their field, not necessarily an exceptional gymnast or pianist, unless that is your chosen path. Always keep your ultimate goals in sight and commit to realizing your fullest potential.

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